This post discusses the various factions and their secret space programs (SSP), along with their brief histories, as per testimonies from whistle-blowers like William Tompkins, Corey Goode (Cosmic Disclosure -, et al:
The designed models were finally built into real spacecrafts underground in Utah and started operations in space from the 70s, 80s (just before and after Ronald Reagan) as part of the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative). These were US Navy spacecraft carriers (the large ones according to Tompkins, were from 1 km to up to 6 km). They developed a lot of 'Star Wars' technology.
Their purpose was to police the solar system from intruders. Also of a space traffic control. This is a small level group, not a major force to be reckoned with, just to engage small marauders/intruders. Looks like solar warden is now part of the SSP alliance (see below), as they seem to show up their crafts in front of ISS (international space station), and are in a sort of cold war with the cabal (deep state, illuminati), and so it may mean that they are no longer under the control of the cabal, though it is not very clear what percentage or what levels of this faction is pro or against the cabal.
and then planned on infiltrating all the big corporations. The Germans had already explored many planets and asteroids, and also with their alliance with the Draco, were knowing a bit about various information, like a bit of the history of the solar system, of Earth, of natural resources in various asteroids or other planets. So they planned on using this information to their advantage, as they started showing these (US) corporations about the gold, platinum and precious metals laden asteroids and about their own mining operations there, to attract and pull them to their game plan. The greedy corporations followed suit, agreed to work with the Germans, focusing only on the money factor. Soon, all these corporations came under the control of the paperclip (and break-away group) Germans. For more details, please check out Corey Goode's and William Tompkin's testimonies.
According to Corey Goode, this then became the largest and most powerful SSP faction, now owns pretty much all the infrastructure in the solar system (meaning bases, colonies, manufacturing facilities, personnel, etc.,). They consist of many large corporations on Earth, pretty much all the aerospace corporations (Lockeed Martin, Boeing, McDonald, etc., ) and also lot of other corporations (basically all big corporations of Earth as per William Tompkins). They are alleged to have trade pacts/tie-ups with over 900 Extra-terrestrial civilizations, with the trade being on technology transfers/exchanges, space gadgets/gizmos, and also on human slave trade! So, they have the latest and most advanced technologies of all the SSP groups, and are very powerful. They have millions of slave humans working for them in their colonies to manufacture all these technologies, etc.,
Who are the slaves?
Over the past 50 years or so, millions of humans from Earth have disappeared, including some of the most brilliant minds and geniuses, who were promised a star trek or star wars kind of reality, but once they landed in the off-world colony (whether it is in colonies on Mars or any of the moons of other planets), they quickly realized the deal - lifelong slavery, toiling away like robots. From Pete Peterson and Corey, we learn that during late 50s and into 60s, around 50-60 million people were taken away to off-world bases with fake promises as just described above, from all over the world, but around 25% from US/Canada alone. This is known as the brain drain.
This may have started in the 80s or even in the 90s. This program's members (the countries) were provided a false story/narrative of what is happening, to hide from them the real breadth and scope of the realities in outer space. The story given was something like there are threats or possible invasions from certain Extra terrestrial groups, so we need to come together (in a UN kind of setup in space) and work together. The popular TV show 'Stargate Atlantis' is modeled on this space program, and seems to be leaking this information in the form of entertainment. This space program consists of people from all countries working in it, they are almost completely outside the Solar system, living probably in one of our neighboring star systems in our local star cluster.
Very little is known about this secretive group, as per Corey. This was until Tompkins came with his testimony. As mentioned above, under German break-away group, we learn that during World War II, in Nazi Germany, the Nazis were into many incredibly advanced technologies. They were secretly, unbeknownst to the world at large, allied with an extraterrestrial race that Tompkins calls reptilians, which we now know to be the Draco. Apart from other technology transfers between this alliance, the Nazis were also given advanced cloning technology, which they experimented with in the World War II, by cloning a battalion and letting it loose against the Russians. On being found very effective, cloning really started big it appears. It looks like these early 'cloned' German battalions were the genesis of the Dark fleet - who now apparently form its fighting forces or soldiers, meaning these battalions were later used and reused to clone millions of soldiers, and later became the mysterious Dark fleet personnel.
The reptilians' (another name for Draco) demand from the Nazis in this alliance was to develop their space navy and fight their wars - which was to defend their territories or even conquering new territories - throughout the galaxy, to defeat and occupy whole planets and subjugate its inhabitants. Apart from these details, this faction is even more powerful than ICC group (see above). They have some of the largest and most powerful crafts, some are pumpkin seed shaped, others are square/rhombus shaped, others are wedge-shaped/triangular, almost similar to the 'Galactic Empire's destroyer crafts' depicted in the 'Star Wars' movies. Very large would be over 600 feet across.
ICC has built them the infrastructure - vessels and weaponry, while Draco has helped them in further enhancing it, for offensive duties outside the solar system.
They spend most of the time outside the solar system. It is composed of humans, but answer to and work for Draco. A lot of its people came from German secret society, Nazi kind of programs.
You find ruins in Egypt, Iraq and in the Americas that depict beings with wings and looking like reptiles - snakes, lizards, etc., What do these sculptures mean? Can we just brush them off as ancient man’s imagination like many scientists would want us to believe?
They appear in almost all the world's oldest civilization's stories. This is either a single group or many different races of reptilian humanoid form that have been at war with various other extra-terrestrial races for a long time, and according to SSP insiders, for at least the past several hundreds of thousands of years.
It appears our solar system is their last bastion, having been defeated all over the galaxy, as per some of the latest intel, per Corey Goode. And here, they can't escape after the Sphere beings (see below) created a solar system wide outer barrier in Dec 2014.
They may well be the demonic beings that have been portrayed in most ancient religions from Greece, Italy, Sumer, India, etc.,
It is believed, from the Law of One and intel from SSP, that these beings came into our solar system some 375,000 years ago, after the protective barrier guarding the solar system and 13 nearby star systems went down.
However, it is challenged by the cabal and their space programs like the ICC and others, while also facing problems like infiltration from the cabal, and who seem to have managed to somewhat sabotage their plans and goals for some time.
They would like to end the cabal's rule and bring about a positive world government, instead of the cabal's new world order. Despite the huge differences in each of the groups' culture, agendas, they have set aside a lot of their differences, for defeating the cabal and to end their financial system. This can be seen in the real world in the form of BRICS countries and their alternative economic proposals. Russia and China seem to be the biggest players in the war against the deep state, and of late, patriotic and chivalrous elements within the US military and various intelligence (FBI/CIA/NSA, etc.,) corporations, who are represented by President Donald Trump (explains the large number of military people in his cabinet). This is the reason for the witch-hunt against both Trump and Putin in all the mainstream media, which is all owned by the same deep state families via various proxies, to spread the deep state propaganda.
Current problems: here too the same as SSP alliance, massive infiltration into elements of the alliance (possibly involving infiltration into certain powerful groups of this alliance) from the cabal, who seem to have managed to somewhat sabotage their plans and goals for some time.
past 50 or 60 years with their huge crafts spotted by various astronomers since then. It is an alliance of five different extraterrestrial groups, who are nonviolent. Initially, the deep state/illuminati were excited that their gods had returned, and they tried reaching out to these crafts for contact, but were met with silence. Only later did they realize that is not the case. These beings are regarded as guardians (by the inner Earth groups and according to various reports and contacts with other extra-terrestrials). The Blue Avian group of this alliance is alleged to have provided humanity with the Law of One philosophy, which provides guidance on spiritual progress and also discusses the history of Earth among others. According to their contact Corey Goode, their main message to humanity is this: Focus on being service-to-others, being more loving, on raising your vibration/consciousness, and forgive yourself and others. They have apparently delivered this message in the past (as in thousands of years ago), up to three times, but was distorted by Earth humans into religious beliefs.
The Egyptian pyramids are believed to have been built by the blue avians.
The Egyptian mythological figures like Thoth and Horus are believed to be the blue avians, who helped in the Earth's past, but was lost to secret societies who twisted and distorted the messages and the technologies (almost 12000 years ago), and hiding most of history from humanity.
For more information on the sphere being alliance, you can visit Corey Goode's site or see the many videos on where he discusses these things.
For more details on the above and other related aspects, please check out the below references:
Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity's Billion-Year Legacy
Cosmic Disclosure
Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the cosmic ...: David Wilcock (
Selected By Extra-terrestrials: William Tompkins (
Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (
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Military Industrial Complex SSP (MIC SSP) or Lower Level SSP:
As the name suggests, this is a lower level space program, with perhaps a few colonies on Moon and various International Space Station-like satellite stations all over the world. It's most advanced spacecrafts can only travel within the solar system, as per sources. This space program does not have any contacts with any extra-terrestrials, except perhaps what are known as Nordic aliens and its officers firmly believe that any UFO seen is either their own stuff or something being developed as part of other top secret programs that they are told exist. They believe that they are at the top of the secrecy, and they know all that needs to be known, regarding matters such as aliens, solar systems, UFOs, etc., This can also be termed as the Air force's space program, since it was born out of the Air force wing of United States. In truth, this is a very basic, or lower level secret space program that seems to have been initiated by the deep state (cabal, illuminati) to confuse people who start researching on this stuff and listening to extra-terrestrial whistle-blowers and sabotage the truth from ever coming out.German Break-away group:
This got started during 1920s, with a few arcane secret societies, like the Thule society, and the Vril society. Members of these societies are said to have established contact with a race of alleged extra-terrestrials, called Nordics, who were later found to be Agarthans, dwelling in the bowels of Earth (research honeycomb Earth). As per the interrogations of the many US spies inserted into Nazi Germany in the 1940s, by William Tompkins and others, an extensive industry was said be existing, that was manufacturing anti-gravity flying machines (or flying saucers) in many secret facilities in Germany. It was found from many sources, one of which is the reports by the many spies mentioned here, that Germans were in contact with a vile race of extra-terrestrials known as Draco. These are the same as what are known as Reptilians, Saurians. To cut a long story short, Nazi Germany had reached agreements with Draco, and hence were able to quickly capture large territories with superior technology. Since Draco had larger goals (discussed below), it was ok for Nazi Germany to loose the war (World War II), but win in space. Hitler did not die, the one who died was his look-alike. Hitler and his forces moved on to Antarctica, setting up a base in one of the ancient cities' remains, inside the many warm cavities under the continent's ice surface, kept warm by volcanic activity. It was to destroy this surviving Germans that US had sent a large military contingent under the leadership of Admiral Byrd to Antarctica in 1947 or so, but were repelled by the Germans and suffered heavy casualties. These Germans, after many failed attempts, with the help of Draco, set up colonies in Moon and Mars. This faction is believed to be the dark fleet now (see below).Solar Warden:
According to whistle-blower William Tompkins, this part of SSP came out of a think-tank inside the then Douglas aircraft company during World War II (which later merged with McDonnel Aircraft corporation in 1967 to form McDonnel Douglas, which in turn later was merged with Boeing in 1997). Tompkins was asked to design (on paper or as miniature models) US navy spacecrafts, which he did during his service with Douglas during approx. 1945 or so.The designed models were finally built into real spacecrafts underground in Utah and started operations in space from the 70s, 80s (just before and after Ronald Reagan) as part of the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative). These were US Navy spacecraft carriers (the large ones according to Tompkins, were from 1 km to up to 6 km). They developed a lot of 'Star Wars' technology.
Their purpose was to police the solar system from intruders. Also of a space traffic control. This is a small level group, not a major force to be reckoned with, just to engage small marauders/intruders. Looks like solar warden is now part of the SSP alliance (see below), as they seem to show up their crafts in front of ISS (international space station), and are in a sort of cold war with the cabal (deep state, illuminati), and so it may mean that they are no longer under the control of the cabal, though it is not very clear what percentage or what levels of this faction is pro or against the cabal.
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC):
These seem to be German-American corporations. Research Project Paperclip (transfer of German Nazi scientists from Germany to US to later work as US scientists, upon the defeat of Germany). Initially, in the 50s, the break-away Germans (see above, the German break-away group), needing the massive infrastructure of the Americans (to expand into Space, to set up colonies, etc.,), forced the US into a treaty (with several flying saucer fly-by incidents, reported widely during the late 40s and early 50s)
According to Corey Goode, this then became the largest and most powerful SSP faction, now owns pretty much all the infrastructure in the solar system (meaning bases, colonies, manufacturing facilities, personnel, etc.,). They consist of many large corporations on Earth, pretty much all the aerospace corporations (Lockeed Martin, Boeing, McDonald, etc., ) and also lot of other corporations (basically all big corporations of Earth as per William Tompkins). They are alleged to have trade pacts/tie-ups with over 900 Extra-terrestrial civilizations, with the trade being on technology transfers/exchanges, space gadgets/gizmos, and also on human slave trade! So, they have the latest and most advanced technologies of all the SSP groups, and are very powerful. They have millions of slave humans working for them in their colonies to manufacture all these technologies, etc.,
Who are the slaves?
Over the past 50 years or so, millions of humans from Earth have disappeared, including some of the most brilliant minds and geniuses, who were promised a star trek or star wars kind of reality, but once they landed in the off-world colony (whether it is in colonies on Mars or any of the moons of other planets), they quickly realized the deal - lifelong slavery, toiling away like robots. From Pete Peterson and Corey, we learn that during late 50s and into 60s, around 50-60 million people were taken away to off-world bases with fake promises as just described above, from all over the world, but around 25% from US/Canada alone. This is known as the brain drain.
Global Galactic League of Nations:
A low-level space program (not much technologies, crafts as much as the other groups), that was offered for all the other countries of the world (who were increasingly suspecting something was happening), to silence them and keep them satisfied, so that they are given only a partial, 10-20%, and not 100% of the real information and keeping them in the dark from what is really going on in outer space, since many countries had apparently figured out something big was happening in space sometime in the 50s or 60s. A 'United nations-in space' of sorts.This may have started in the 80s or even in the 90s. This program's members (the countries) were provided a false story/narrative of what is happening, to hide from them the real breadth and scope of the realities in outer space. The story given was something like there are threats or possible invasions from certain Extra terrestrial groups, so we need to come together (in a UN kind of setup in space) and work together. The popular TV show 'Stargate Atlantis' is modeled on this space program, and seems to be leaking this information in the form of entertainment. This space program consists of people from all countries working in it, they are almost completely outside the Solar system, living probably in one of our neighboring star systems in our local star cluster.
Dark Fleet:
Dark fleet is either the same group as German break-away group or a faction that split from them. This is a very dreaded space group and are allied with the Draco. They are an offensive force. They go outside the solar system, either as a conquest or defending Draco territory, helping the Draco on military expeditions.Very little is known about this secretive group, as per Corey. This was until Tompkins came with his testimony. As mentioned above, under German break-away group, we learn that during World War II, in Nazi Germany, the Nazis were into many incredibly advanced technologies. They were secretly, unbeknownst to the world at large, allied with an extraterrestrial race that Tompkins calls reptilians, which we now know to be the Draco. Apart from other technology transfers between this alliance, the Nazis were also given advanced cloning technology, which they experimented with in the World War II, by cloning a battalion and letting it loose against the Russians. On being found very effective, cloning really started big it appears. It looks like these early 'cloned' German battalions were the genesis of the Dark fleet - who now apparently form its fighting forces or soldiers, meaning these battalions were later used and reused to clone millions of soldiers, and later became the mysterious Dark fleet personnel.
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Credit: Rebellion Era Campaign Guide |
The reptilians' (another name for Draco) demand from the Nazis in this alliance was to develop their space navy and fight their wars - which was to defend their territories or even conquering new territories - throughout the galaxy, to defeat and occupy whole planets and subjugate its inhabitants. Apart from these details, this faction is even more powerful than ICC group (see above). They have some of the largest and most powerful crafts, some are pumpkin seed shaped, others are square/rhombus shaped, others are wedge-shaped/triangular, almost similar to the 'Galactic Empire's destroyer crafts' depicted in the 'Star Wars' movies. Very large would be over 600 feet across.
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Source: |
ICC has built them the infrastructure - vessels and weaponry, while Draco has helped them in further enhancing it, for offensive duties outside the solar system.
They spend most of the time outside the solar system. It is composed of humans, but answer to and work for Draco. A lot of its people came from German secret society, Nazi kind of programs.
Draco (aka Reptilians):
These are the higher (dangerous/negative) lords and most dreaded race, perhaps in the entire galaxy.You find ruins in Egypt, Iraq and in the Americas that depict beings with wings and looking like reptiles - snakes, lizards, etc., What do these sculptures mean? Can we just brush them off as ancient man’s imagination like many scientists would want us to believe?
They appear in almost all the world's oldest civilization's stories. This is either a single group or many different races of reptilian humanoid form that have been at war with various other extra-terrestrial races for a long time, and according to SSP insiders, for at least the past several hundreds of thousands of years.
It appears our solar system is their last bastion, having been defeated all over the galaxy, as per some of the latest intel, per Corey Goode. And here, they can't escape after the Sphere beings (see below) created a solar system wide outer barrier in Dec 2014.
They may well be the demonic beings that have been portrayed in most ancient religions from Greece, Italy, Sumer, India, etc.,
It is believed, from the Law of One and intel from SSP, that these beings came into our solar system some 375,000 years ago, after the protective barrier guarding the solar system and 13 nearby star systems went down.
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Death Star from Star Wars, and Iapetus, moon of Saturn |
SSP Alliance:
Rebels within the various secret space programs, who have come together to oppose the cabal. Initially, Solar warden was the root from which the alliance came into being. Since recently, a lot of defectors from 'other space fleet groups' are joining in, defectors from other space programs (ICC, military SSP, etc.,). This started happening after contact was made with the Sphere Being alliance (see below), from around 2014 or so, until then this SSP alliance was primarily made of Solar warden (either fully or majorly). It now consists of many defectors from all the space programs. The alliance's goal is to end the cabal/illuminati/secret government's rule over the Earth, end the financial system and do a full disclosure on all space programs, technologies and ETs to Earth humans and thus bring to Earth all the technologies that are used in the space programs like free energy, all types of medical systems, healing, cleaning up the environment quickly. They also want to fully disclose the crimes against humanity that the elites have been doing over many years. This was probably formed as a rebel force in 90s or late 90s and started taking action from the 2000s (like flying in front of satellites, ISS, causing UFO incidents).However, it is challenged by the cabal and their space programs like the ICC and others, while also facing problems like infiltration from the cabal, and who seem to have managed to somewhat sabotage their plans and goals for some time.
Earth Alliance:
A conglomeration/federation type of grouping, consisting of diverse groups, societies, countries that have been affected by the cabal/illuminati/deep state in all the hundreds of years of cabal's rise to world power. Russian President Vladimir Putin is supposedly the leader of the Earth Alliance.![]() |
Russian President Vladimir Putin |
Current problems: here too the same as SSP alliance, massive infiltration into elements of the alliance (possibly involving infiltration into certain powerful groups of this alliance) from the cabal, who seem to have managed to somewhat sabotage their plans and goals for some time.
Sphere Being Alliance:
This is a group of very high level and powerful extra-terrestrials who have been appearing since thepast 50 or 60 years with their huge crafts spotted by various astronomers since then. It is an alliance of five different extraterrestrial groups, who are nonviolent. Initially, the deep state/illuminati were excited that their gods had returned, and they tried reaching out to these crafts for contact, but were met with silence. Only later did they realize that is not the case. These beings are regarded as guardians (by the inner Earth groups and according to various reports and contacts with other extra-terrestrials). The Blue Avian group of this alliance is alleged to have provided humanity with the Law of One philosophy, which provides guidance on spiritual progress and also discusses the history of Earth among others. According to their contact Corey Goode, their main message to humanity is this: Focus on being service-to-others, being more loving, on raising your vibration/consciousness, and forgive yourself and others. They have apparently delivered this message in the past (as in thousands of years ago), up to three times, but was distorted by Earth humans into religious beliefs.
The Egyptian pyramids are believed to have been built by the blue avians.
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Thoth (source: |
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Horus (source: |
The Egyptian mythological figures like Thoth and Horus are believed to be the blue avians, who helped in the Earth's past, but was lost to secret societies who twisted and distorted the messages and the technologies (almost 12000 years ago), and hiding most of history from humanity.
For more information on the sphere being alliance, you can visit Corey Goode's site or see the many videos on where he discusses these things.
For more details on the above and other related aspects, please check out the below references:
Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity's Billion-Year Legacy
Cosmic Disclosure
Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the cosmic ...: David Wilcock (
Selected By Extra-terrestrials: William Tompkins (
Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (
PS: This article and all the information in it, along with images used, is created as a public service. If there are any disputes in the content, in terms of copyright or otherwise, please contact.
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