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Why Cow's milk is a superfood

We have been brainwashed into believing that non-pasteurized milk is unhealthy & dangerous on one hand. On the other hand, our doctors & so-called 'nutrition experts' warn us to cut down on milk, alleging that it increases the risk of heart diseases.
People don't understand that there are different types of fats too & certain fats, like those found in our humble milk (and milk products - butter, clarified butter/butter oil, yogurt, etc.,), peanuts, coconuts, etc., are essential for the human body.

Consider this, how have humans subsisted on raw, unprocessed milk & milk products - butter, clarified butter, etc., peanuts, coconuts, raw nuts, etc., for thousands of years & were also strong compared to today's folks. The answer lies in understanding the 'lies' & scams of our modern world.

There are huge corporate/industrial lobbies through which our modern food agencies (like FDA in the US, other similar agencies in many western countries) have been compromised. These cartels would not mind misinforming or even deliberately lying to the public to help sell their products. Most (if not all) so-called 'independent research' works by 'scientists' have been found to be actually funded by one of these corporate lobbies. No wonder then that the 'independent scientists' almost always come up with 'findings' that only establishes as fact what these big corporations want to be established as facts. Have you noticed that the rates of cancer, heart diseases & generally all diseases have skyrocketed in the past 40-50 years? Did these diseases even exist before, say, a 100 years?

Again, note that in the ancient days, people used to eat all these so-called 'unhealthy' and 'disease-prone' foods like butter, cheese, animal fats, coconuts, palm, peanuts, carbohydrate-rich foods (potatoes, rice, etc.,) and yet they were very strong and didn't know of our modern diseases like cancer, heart diseases, etc.,

Using this understanding, we can easily see behind the lies that our modern society is being fed to - lies such as 'milk increases heart disease risk', 'saturated fats are unhealthy', 'polyunsaturated fats are good for your health', 'you must take drugs if you have disease', etc.,

Ok, enough said, learn why raw, unprocessed milk is a superfood & why pasteurizing milk kills most nutrients in it that are vital for a human body:
Raw Milk is good for your health


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