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What Are Chakras and How They Function in the Physical Body

The idea of chakras is taken from an ancient system of yoga. The word chakra is derived from Sanskrit and literally means "wheel" or "plate", but it generally implies an energy wheel. The ancient Indian mystics viewed the chakra centers of the body as whirling, wheel-like vortices of energy. This article will give you a synopsis of the chakras and their function in the human body. Once you understand how each individual chakra affects your physical functioning, you can better determine which ones may be blocked or congested, then work on balancing that chakra.

There are seven main chakras which are located within the physical body from the base of the spine to the top of the head, aligned vertically up and down the spine. They are tied to the nervous system along the spine, endocrine system and various glands. The chakras are also linked to various bodily functions such as breathing and digestion.

The seven major chakras basically represent the four elements -- earth, water, fire, and air -- as well as sound, light and thought. Each chakra is represented by one of the seven colors of the rainbow -- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These centers are also associated with the different organs and glands in the body. Following is a breakdown of the different chakras -- their color, location and physical function in our body.

First Chakra -- Red: The first chakra is the Red Root Center. It is located at the base of the spine and is connected to our physical body and action. The Root Chakra governs the reproductive system, vagina, prostate, adrenal glands, spinal column, tailbone, teeth, bones, legs and feet.

Second Chakra -- Orange: The second chakra is called the Spleen Chakra and is orange. The Spleen Chakra is located at the pubic area and governs the spleen, ovaries, testes, uterus, kidneys and urinary organs.

Third Chakra -- Yellow: The third or Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow and it is connected to our mental and thinking self. There are two Solar Plexus Chakras, one in front and the other in back and they physically govern the stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, intestines, sympathetic nervous system, blood sugar and digestive system.

Fourth Chakra -- Green: The Heart Chakra is the fourth and is green in color. Again there are two chakras, one located in front of the physical heart at the center of the chest and the other at the back. When we refer to the Heart Chakra it means both the front and back chakras. Physically, the Heart Chakra governs the heart, thymus gland, lungs, bronchia, lymph system, secondary circulatory system, immune system, arms and hands.

Fifth Chakra -- Blue: The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra and is blue. This chakra physically governs the thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, neck, jaw and mouth.

Sixth -- Indigo: Located at the area between the eyebrows, the Brow is the sixth chakra and its color is indigo. It is also called the third eye, since it is connected to our universal seeing self. This chakra physically governs the pituitary gland, cerebellum (lower brain), eyes, nose, ears and nervous system.

Seventh Chakra -- Violet: The seventh chakra is the Crown and is violet in color. This chakra is located at the crown of the head. The Crown Chakra physically governs the pineal gland, cerebral cortex (upper brain), central nervous system and hair.

As you can see, each chakra has a different task in regards to physical functioning. In addition, each chakra affects your personality as well. When the chakras are clear and balanced both your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies will benefit. Chakra clearing can be a wonderful tool for obtaining better health and a sense of well-being.

Tulsi Milliken, PhD
Psychologist, Spiritual Counselor, Energy Healing

Recommended reading: Energetic Healing and Balancing - An Introductory Hands On Guide For Beginners

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