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Showing posts from 2011

Mysterious Rocks

I had been to Mantralaya (in India) recently. I saw some amazing rock formations. Some of them seemed to have been placed into position and magically controlled to just be in their positions, defying gravity! It may seem very outlandish, but my inner feelings about this mystery were that it was placed into positions by ancient meditators/sages for the immense power that groups of rocks possess, in greatly benefiting and/or supercharging meditations.  I agree that this kind of thinking may not seem scientific and there are scientific explanations for why such rocks may mysteriously sit in such gravity-defying positions and also that such rocks possibly exist in many other pats of the world, but if you see them with our own eyes, you may see the point. Somewhat synchronistically, a local person told of ancient stories of Krishna's chakra having made these rocks sit on top of each other with its vibrations, mixed in with other stories of some legendary figure having medita...

2012 - A Message of Hope

A very wonderful video...

A Message From The Hopi

This is a historic moment for our planet to hear them speak. The Hopi Elder have come forward with a message to the world in response to the tsunami and earthquake disaster in Japan. They give humanity a simple message for our future and how to overcome these difficult times. Hopi original letter: The Hopi are praying the people of Japan and for the people around the world as we face crisis in our world out of balance. We are all in a time of great change upon mother earth and these events have been foretold by our Elders. Through our Prophecies and our Ceremonies the sacred land of this earth is now crying. And our children are looking to Hopi to balance life for their future. Our Elders have given us guidance for how to move through these changes. Humanity is now choosing the path upon which all life will follow and we have known this time would come. As Hopi, we ask you to join us in prayer to balance mother earth and all life. We believe that, through our pr...

Remedial measures for radioactive exposure

This might be helpful for people who may be exposed to nuclear radiation. The following information is gathered from some sources (listed in references, please check them too) These foods cleanse the body and cells of radiation poisoning: 1. Miso (Japanese fermented soya product) 2. Brown rice 3. Iodine 4. Wheat grass / wheat grass juice 5. Buckwheat (groats) It is said that during the aftermath of Horishima & Nagsaki nuclear explosions, people there were given miso and brown rice, and remarkably it also helped them recover, by cleansing the body & cells of radiation. References:

Earthquake attack on Japan - March 2011

The rogue Federal reserve/Nazi Bush group that had long been warning of attacking the Pacific rim of fire with earthquakes and volcanoes to set off tsunamis has found the need to act on their warnings, apparently since their own survival is at stake now, with increasing arrests of these insiders in US and elsewhere. Here is Benjamin Fulford 's intel on the worst ever earthquake that struck Japan on March 11, 2011, based on input from his sources in CIA and Pentagon (and remember it struck on 11/11 - an illuminati signature - to do important actions on special dates like these): Special bulletin: Earthquake attack on Japan originated in New Mexico and Nevada, U.S. New Madrid fault line next target The horrific earthquake weapon attack on Japan, resulting in 10 meter tsunamis along much of Japan’s coast line came from rogue elements of the U.S. government located in underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, according to pentagon and CIA sources. The next target will be the...